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dotSecretary General of the IRTCES, Dr. Hu ...[2006-03-30]
dotFellowship Meeting between the IRTCES an...[2006-02-28]
dotWorking Summary Meeting for 2005 Held in...[2006-02-28]
dotIRTCES Pearl River Estuary Research Cent...[2006-02-17]
dotChina and UNESCO signed an agreement con...[2005-12-02]
dotUNESCO-IRTCES Agreement Signing in Cerem...[2005-12-01]
dotSecond International Yellow River Forum ...[2005-10-20]
dotProf. Chih Ted Yang, Vice President of W...[2005-10-18]
dotUS - CHINA Workshop on Advanced Computat...[2005-10-09]
dotInternational Training Workshop on Water...[2005-09-11]
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