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dotIRTCES Governing Board Meeting successfu...[组图][2023-08-02]
dotInternational Journal of Sediment Resear...[图文][2024-08-08]
dotWASWAC proposal for the establishment of...[组图][2024-07-03]
dot26th session of the Intergovernmental Co...[组图][2024-06-12]
dotParticipation of IRTCES in UNESCO booth ...[组图][2024-05-31]
dotIRTCES co-organized the 15th Internation...[组图][2024-05-30]
dotParticipation of IRTCES in the UNESCO In...[组图][2024-05-28]
dotThe International Sediment Initiative Ad...[2024-04-29]
dotIRTCES co-hosted the World Water Day 202...[图文][2024-03-25]
dotDirector Shahbaz Khan of UNESCO Multisec...[组图][2024-02-07]
dotIRTCES participated the 16th Round Table...[组图][2024-01-15]
dotWASWAC Assembly Held Successfully[2023-12-05]
dotIRTCES co-hosted the 10th Workshop of th...[图文][2023-11-30]
dotJournals hosted by IRTCES are awarded TO...[组图][2023-11-28]
dotIRTCES Delegation visited UNESCO Beijing...[2023-11-24]
dotIRTCES held a Training Course on Paper W...[组图][2023-11-21]
dotParticipation of the IRTCES in the 30th ...[图文][2023-11-19]
dotThe director of the ICHARM visited IWHR ...[2023-10-30]
dotThe 9th FRIEND-Water Global Conference h...[组图][2023-10-10]
dotThe 15th International Symposium on Rive...[组图][2023-09-19]
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