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dotIRTCES Sponsoring Symposium on China Eco...[2006-09-18]
dotProf. Michel A. Verbanck, University of ...[2006-09-14]
dotFormer Chairperson of the CPPC, Academic...[2006-09-13]
dotIRTCES Dispatching Lecturer for the Trai...[2006-09-12]
dotIRTCES Representatives for the 17th Sess...[2006-09-08]
dotIRTCES Delegation Visited UK and Italy[2006-09-08]
dotMeeting of Core Members of the ISI Steer...[2006-06-20]
dotFrench Guests Visited the IRTCES[2006-06-18]
dotIRTCES Expert for the CWMP Workshop[2006-06-18]
dotUNESCO IHP ISI Workshop on Sediment Mana...[2006-05-24]
dotADB Consultant Visited the IRTCES[2006-05-24]
dotTraining Seminar on Foreign Affairs Held...[2006-05-24]
dotResearch Project on Optimal Use of Runof...[2006-04-29]
dotChairman of Steering Committee of Intern...[2006-04-25]
dotAmbassador of the Republic of Rwanda to ...[2006-04-18]
dotReport on the Safety of the Embankments ...[2006-04-18]
dotIRTCES Director, Dr. Kuang Shangfu Discu...[2006-04-03]
dotIRTCES Director, Dr. Kuang Shangfu discu...[2006-03-30]
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