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IRTCES participated the 16th Round Table Forum on Sustainable Development of Dams and Hydropower Development
Release time: 2024-01-15

On December 5, 2023, IRTCES attended the 16th Round Table Forum on Sustainable Development of Dams & Hydropower with representatives from International Commission on Dams, Zambia, Uganda, Nigeria and other counties, in order to implement the Priority Africa Strategy proposed by UNESCO. A report entitled “Water for the Future: a greater role for international organizations in African cooperation” has been provided by Prof. Jianli Zhang, the deputy director of IRTCES. 

Ten experts were invited to make presentations on topics related to the development of water resources and hydropower in various countries. The experts introduced the current status, challenges and opportunities of water resources and hydropower generation in different countries from different perspectives, and also discussed the role of international organizations in water resources cooperation, as well as the privatization of water resources, clean energy development and other topics. The Forum provided a platform for extensive exchanges and sharing among participants, and provided important references and lessons for global water resources cooperation and sustainable development.


Prof. Jianli Zhang’s report.

Prof. Liu Xiaoying making a speech

Prof. Zheng Cuiying presided the Forum

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