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Participation of the IRTCES in the 30th UNESCO IHP Asia-Pacific Regional Steering Committee Meeting
Release time: 2023-11-19


On 9-10 November, 2023, IRTCES participated in the 30th IHP Regional Steering Committee Meeting for Asia and the Pacific. The meeting was co-organized by the Ministry of Natural Resources, Environment and Climate Change of Malaysia and the Malaysian National Commission for UNESCO, and co-organized by the Secretariat of IHP-AP RSC, UNESCO Jakarta Office. The purpose of the meeting was to report, assess and review the major activities carried out by the countries in the Asia-Pacific region within the framework of UNESCO-IHP, to review the status of the results of the implementation of the relevant activities by the IHP-AP RSC member countries, to discuss the future challenges faced by the member countries and to highlight the efficient solutions in key areas of water resources programs in the Asia-Pacific region, as well as to harmonize and strengthen the scientific and educational cooperation among the member countries in the region. Representatives of the Asia-Pacific member countries made their respective national reports. Prof. Xiaoying Liu, the representative of IRTCES, introduced research, education, training, and international communication of IRTCES.


Prof. Xiaoying Liu’s report.

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