On July 14, Prof. Junke Guo, a council member of WASER from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, visited the International Research and Training Center on Erosion and Sedimentation (IRTCES). During his visit, he was invited to give a seminar on the "General Unit Hydrograph Model" at the China Institute of Water Resources and Hydropower Research (IWHR). Prof. Guo is the hosting chair of the 16th International Symposium on River Sedimentation (ISRS) which is sponsored by IRTCES and WASER. He also discussed the preparation for the 16th ISRS with WASER Secretariat members.
During the seminar, Prof. Guo presented his creation of the general unit hydrograph (UH) model. He was inspired by the COVID-19 data and applied scientific method such as induction and deduction from the linear hydrologic systems theory. He demonstrated how to use the general UH model in real-world watershed processes. He tested the general UH model with LiQin Qu’s laboratory watershed data from a Chinese Academy of Sciences Laboratory and the Istanbul Technical University in Turkey. Prof. Guo discussed how the general UH model can be applied in small watershed design. Finally, he briefed the applications of the general UH model in marathon finish time distributions and other fields.
Following his presentation, Prof. Guo had an energetic discussion with the attendees about calibrating watershed parameters within the General Unit Hydrograph Model, the spatial scale of the application, the potential for the model in sedimentation and reservoir scheduling, and the insights gained from research.