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Contents of ISWCR(Vol. 8, No.3, 2020)
Release time: 2020-09-09

Volume 8, Issue 3

Pages 213-332 (September 2020)

Spatiotemporal changes in terrestrial water storage in the Beijing-Tianjin Sandstorm Source Region from GRACE satellites Yingjun Pang, Bo Wu, Yanping Cao, Xiaohong Jia Pages 295-307

Fingerprinting sediment sources in a typical karst catchment of southwest China Zhenwei Li, Xianli Xu, Yaohua Zhang, Kelin Wang Pages 277-285

Inhibiting soil loss and runoff from small plots induced by an individual freeze-thaw cycle using three rangeland species Milad Hatefi, Seyed Hamidreza Sadeghi, Reza Erfanzadeh, Morteza Behzadfar Pages 228-236

Cadmium speciation as influenced by soil water content and zinc and the studies of kinetic modeling in two soils textural classes Farzad Rassaei, Mehran Hoodaji, Seyed Ali Abtahi Pages 286-294

Unsupervised learning approach in defining the similarity of catchments: Hydrological response unit based k-means clustering, a demonstration on Western Black Sea Region of Turkey Ersin Ayta?
Pages 321-331


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