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Renewal of Agreement between the Chinese Government and the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization on the International Research and Training Centre on Erosion and Sedimentat
Release time: 2020-07-03

Recently, with the approval of the State Council, Mr.E Jingping, Minister of Water Resources, signed the agreement between the government of the People's Republic of China and the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) on the International Research and Training Center on Erosion and Sedimentation (IRTCES) in Beijing on behalf of the Chinese government. This indicates that the Chinese government and UNESCO will continue to work together to support the IRTCES to play a positive role to promote the technical exchange in the field of soil erosion and sedimentation around the world, and to make greater contributions to sedimentation research and training in the world. The agreement was already signed by the Director General of UNESCO, Ms.Audrey Azoulay.


The agreement on the IRTCES was signed by the Chinese government and UNESCO for the first time in 1984. This is the second renewal after the agreement first renewed in 2005.

Founded in 1984, the IRTCES is an academic institute jointly established by the Chinese government and UNESCO, and it is also the first category II Center established by UNESCO in the world. The aim is to give full play to China's leading role in the field of erosion and sediment research and to promote the development of global scientific research and technology through academic exchange, technical consultation and professional training.

Since its establishment, the IRTCES, under the direct leadership of the Ministry of Water Resources and the support of UNESCO, has made great achievements in innovation and progress, and has also made great contributions to the technical progress in the field of global soil erosion and sediment research. The Center has organized and co-organized more than 50 international training courses with more than 2600 professional trainees trained in the fields of soil erosion, sediment management, ecological conservation, flood control and disaster alleviation in many countries of the world. The Centre has implemented 45 research and consultation projects sponsored by UNESCO, FAO, World Bank, Asian Bank and other relevant institutions, which has better promoted China's experience in soil erosion control and sediment management. At the same time, it has built a perfect academic exchange platform for experts in this field. At present, the IRTCES has sponsored two high-level English academic journals: International Journal of Sediment Research and International Soil and Water Conservation Research. It also undertakes the work of two international academic organizations, namely, the World Association for Sediment and Erosion Research (WASER), the World Association of Soil and Water Conservation (WASWAC), and serves as the Secretariat of the International Sediment Initiative of UNESCO. It regularly holds International Symposium on river sedimentation and International Conference on Estuaries and Coasts, International Conference of the World Association of Soil and Water Conservation, International Youth Forum on Soil and Water Conservation and other international academic conferences, and it is responsible for editing of "Gazette of River Sedimentation in China” and Office of Qian Ning Prize for Erosion and Sedimentation Technology.

The renewal of the agreement provides a new opportunity for the development of the Center. The Center will furtherly play a leading role and bridge role to improve the international academic exchange platform, expand the research and consultation at home and abroad, vigorously carry out technical training, and strive to promote the development of sediment and soil and water conservation in the world.

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