Journal of Sediment Research
35, Issue 4
315-430 (August 2020)

the effect of sediment concentration on the flow-like behavior of natural
debris flow
Leonardo Schippa
evolution of hydraulic geometry relations in the lower Yellow River of China
under environmental uncertainties
Xiaolong Song;
Deyu Zhong;Guangqian Wang;
Xiaonan Li
simulation of sediment deposition and trapping efficiency estimation in
settling basins, considering secondary flows
fluid dynamics modeling of abutment scour under steady current using the level
set method
Saud Afzal;
Han Bihs;Lalit
dynamics and temporal variation of runoff in the Yom River, Thailand
Matharit Namsai;
Butsawan Bidorn;
Seree Chanyotha;
Ruetaitip Mama;
Nathamon Phanomphongphaisarn
of riffle structures on the stabilization of two successive knick points over a
sandy bed
Fouladi Semnan; Mohammad Reza Jaefarzadeh
GPU-based numerical model coupling hydrodynamical and morphological processes
Hou; Yongde Kang; Chunhong Hu; Yu Tong; Baozhu Pan; Junqiang Xia
time-splitting pressure-correction projection method for complete two-fluid
modeling of a local scour hole
Farahi Moghadam; Mohammad Ali Banihashemi; Peyman Badiei; Ali Shirkavand
erosion and sediment interception by check dams in a watershed for an extreme
rainstorm on the Loess Plateau, China
Bai; Nan Wang; Juying Jiao; Yixian Chen; Bingzhe Tang; Haolin Wang; Yulan Chen;
Xiqin Yan; Zhijie Wang
and suspended particulate matter retention in macrotidal estuaries located in
Amazonia-semiarid interface (Northeastern-Brazil)
Henrique Macieldos Santos; Francisco Joséda Silva Dias; Audálio Rebelo Torres;
R?mulo Araújo Soares; Laís Costa Tertoa Ant?nio Carlos Lealde Castro; Ricardo
Luvizotto Santos; Marco Valério Jansen Cutrimd
the effect of sediment concentration on the flow-like behavior of natural debris
Journal of Sediment Research,
35, Issue 4, 2020, Pages 315-327, ISSN 1001-6279,
The rheological behavior of natural slurries consisting of fine-grained,
reconstituted debris-flow deposits on pyroclastic terrains having different
solid concentrations (ranging from 30 to 42%) has been investigated using a
rotational rheometer equipped with a vane rotor system. Experiments were done
by increasing the applied shear stress step by step; then a decreasing stress
ramp was applied following the same shear stress levels. The slurry mixtures
exhibit a typical yield-stress fluid behavior with a static yield stress larger
than the dynamic yield stress. In the range of the shear rate corresponding to
the flow-like behavior the slurry mixtures behave as a dilatant fluid at lower
grain concentrations and as a pseudoplastic fluid in correspondence with the
higher grain content, showing a strong discrepancy from the Bingham
idealization. The rheological behavior is better interpreted by a
Herschel-Bulkley model, whose rheological parameters strongly depend on the
granular concentration. Therefore, a generalized Herschel-Bulkley model
accounting for the bulk sediment concentration effect is proposed.
Debris flow; Rheology; Grain concentration; Herschel-Bulkley
Xiaolong Song; Deyu
evolution of hydraulic geometry relations in the lower Yellow River of China
under environmental uncertainties
Journal of Sediment Research,
35, Issue 4, 2020, Pages 328-346 , ISSN 1001-6279,
Hydraulic geometry relations comprise a classic way to understand
characteristics of a river. However, environmental changes pose large
uncertainties for the reliability of such relations. In the current study, on
the basis of the ordinary differential equations (ODEs) formed through linear
treatment of the deterministic power-law hydraulic geometry relations, a set of
stochastic differential equations (SDEs) driven by Fractional white noise and
Poisson noise are developed to simulate the historical dynamic probability
distributions of typical hydraulic geometry variables such as slope, width,
depth, and velocity with bankfull discharge variation over time in the lower
Yellow River of China. One group of possible stochastic average behaviors
within the next 50 years are calculated under three different design incoming
water-sediment conditions (including 300, 600, and 800 million t of annual
average sediment discharge). In each part of the lower reaches, after
estimation of the SDE parameters using a nonparametric maximum likelihood
estimation (MLE) method, the model is carefully examined using Monte Carlo
simulation as compared with the deterministic control models. The results of
this comparison reveal the potential responses of hydraulic geometry
characteristics to environmental disturbances, and the average trends mainly
agree with the measurements. Comparisons among the three different prediction
results reveal the stochastic average solution generally is greater than the
deterministic solution. The results also confirm the severe negative impacts that
result from the condition of 300 million t of incoming sediment, thus, pointing
out the need to raise the level of river evolution alert for the lower Yellow
River of China in the future. Moreover, with the help of the stochastic
computation, the stream power and hydraulic width/depth ratio could be
representative of an effective systematic measure for river dynamics. The
proposed stochastic approach is not only important to development in the field
of fluvial relations, but also beneficial to the practical design and
monitoring of a river system according to specified accuracy requirements.
Hydraulic geometry relations;Environmental uncertainties;Stochastic
differential equation;Lower
Yellow River;River
Esmail Lakzian; Hassan Saghi; Omid Kooshki
simulation of sediment deposition and trapping efficiency estimation in
settling basins, considering secondary flows
Journal of Sediment Research,
35, Issue 4, 2020, Pages 347-354, ISSN 1001-6279,
In this paper, sediment deposition and trapping efficiency in shallow
rectangular reservoirs were numerically estimated considering secondary flows.
In order to do this, three dimensional (3D) steady, incompressible,
Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes (RANS) equations with the standard
turbulence model were used as the governing equations. The drift-flux model
also was used to model the solid phase. In the next step, the developed model
was validated using the available data. Then it was used to simulate the
sediment deposition and trapping efficiency in shallow rectangular reservoirs,
considering secondary flows. The results show the sediment is trapped in the
inlet corner of the reservoir, and two pairs of large vortices on the sides and
two pairs of small vortices at the inlet corner of the reservoir are observed.
Finally, the effects of the input angle of the reservoir to the trapping
efficiency are evaluated and the results are discussed.
Mohammad Saud Afzal;Han
Bihs; Lalit Kumar
fluid dynamics modeling of abutment scour under steady current using the level
set method
Journal of Sediment Research,
35, Issue 4, 2020, Pages 355-364, ISSN 1001-6279,
The scour and deposition pattern around an abutment under constant discharge
condition is calculated using a three dimensional (3D) Computational Fluid
Dynamics (CFD) model. The Reynolds-Averaged Navier Stokes (RANS) equations are
solved in three dimensions using a CFD model. The Level Set Method (LSM) is
used for calculation of both free surface and bed topography. The two-equation
turbulence model (k-ε and k-ω) is used to calculate the eddy viscosity in the
RANS equations. The pressure term in the RANS equations on a staggered grid is
modeled using the Chorin's projection method. The 5th order Weighted
Essentially Non-Oscillatory (WENO) scheme discretizes the convective term of
the RANS equations. The Kovacs and Parker and Dey formulations are used for the
reduction in bed shear stress on the sloping bed. The model also used the
sandslide algorithm which limits bed shear stress reduction during the erosion
process. The numerical model solution is validated against experimental results
collected at the Politecnico di Milano, Milan, Italy. Further, the numerical
model is tested for performance by varying the grid sizes and key parameters
like the space and time discretization schemes. The effect of varying bed
porosity has been evaluated. Overall, the free surface is well represented in a
realistic manner and bed topography is well predicted using the Level Set
Method (LSM).
Sediment transport; Computational Fluid Dynamics
(CFD); Reynolds-Averaged Navier Stokes (RANS); Level Set Method (LSM); Weighted
Essentially Non-Oscillatory (WENO); Total Variation Diminishing (TVD)
Matharit Namsai; Butsawan Bidorn; Seree Chanyotha; Ruetaitip Mama; Nathamon
dynamics and temporal variation of runoff in the Yom River, Thailand
Journal of Sediment Research,
35, Issue 4, 2020, Pages 365-376, ISSN 1001-6279,
The Yom River is one of the four major sediment sources to the Chao Phraya River
in Thailand. Human activities and changes in climate over the past six decades
may have affected the discharge and sediment load to some extent. In the
current study, the river discharge and sediment characteristics in the
mainstream of the Yom River were investigated using the field observation data
from 2011 to 2013 and the historical river flow and sediment data from 1954 to
2014 at six hydrological stations operated by the Royal Irrigation Department
of Thailand (RID). The non-parametric Mann-Kendall test and double mass curve
were used to analyze the sediment dynamics and temporal changes in the
discharge of the Yom River. The results revealed that the sediment was mainly
transported in suspension, and the bed-to-suspended sediment loads ratio varied
between 0 and 0.05. The daily suspended sediment load (SSL) in the upper and
middle basins had a strong correlation with the daily discharge and could be
represented by power equations with coefficients of determination higher than
0.8. The daily suspended sediment load in the lower basin did not directly
depend on the corresponding discharge because of the reduction in river slope
and water diversion by irrigation projects. It also appeared that the river
discharges and sediment loads were mainly influenced by climate variation
(floods and droughts). Moreover, the average sediment transport of the upper,
middle, and lower reaches were 0.57, 0.71, and 0.35 million t/y, respectively.
The sediment load in the lower basin decreased more than 50% as a result of
changes in the river gradient (from mountainous to floodplain areas). The
results from sediment analysis also indicated that the construction of the Mae
Yom Barrage, the longest diversion dam in Thailand, and land-use changes did
not significantly affect the sediment load along the Yom River.
Suspended sediment load; Fluvial sediment; Chao Phraya
River basin; Dam construction; Climate change; Human activities
Afshin Fouladi Semnan; Mohammad Reza Jaefarzadeh
of riffle structures on the stabilization of two successive knickpoints over a
sandy bed
Journal of Sediment Research,
35, Issue 4, 2020, Pages 377-385 , ISSN 1001-6279,
Two successive knickpoints with a 10% slope were constructed 1 m apart on a
sandy bed in a rectangular flume with a longitudinal slope of 0.003. Bed
erosion and knickpoint migration were studied experimentally for different
discharges. The performance of two grade-control structures–Newbury rock
riffles (NRR) and cross-vane riffles (CVR)–were studied experimentally for the
stabilization of each knickpoint. Both of the structures were successful in
controlling the bed erosion; however, the NRR operated relatively better than
the CVR for they could concentrate the flow at the middle part of the channel
to produce more regular contours with less local erosion and bed settlement.
The experiments demonstrated that the construction of a control structure was
not only effective in the stabilization of a knickpoint but also retarded the
migration of its neighboring counterpart.
Control structures; Cross-vane riffle; Knickpoint migration; Newbury rock
riffle; Riverbed stabilization
Jingming Hou; Yongde Kang; Chunhong Hu; Yu Tong; Baozhu Pan;
Junqiang Xia
GPU-based numerical model coupling hydro-dynamical and morphological processes
Journal of Sediment Research,
35, Issue 4, 2020, Pages 386-394 , ISSN 1001-6279,
Sediment transport simulations are important in practical engineering. In this
study, a graphics processing unit (GPU)-based numerical model coupling
hydrodynamical and morphological processes was developed to simulate water
flow, sediment transport, and morphological changes. Aiming at accurately
predicting the sediment transport and sediment scouring processes, the model
resolved the realistic features of sediment transport and used a GPU-based
parallel computing technique to the accelerate calculation. This model was
created in the framework of a Godunov-type finite volume scheme to solve the
shallow water equations (SWEs). The SWEs were discretized into algebraic
equations by the finite volume method. The fluxes of mass and momentum were
computed by the Harten, Lax, and van Leer Contact (HLLC) approximate Riemann
solver, and the friction source terms were calculated by the proposed a
splitting point-implicit method. These values were evaluated using a novel 2D
edge-based MUSCL scheme. The code was programmed using C++ and CUDA, which
could run on GPUs to substantially accelerate the computation. The aim of the
work was to develop a GPU-based numerical model to simulate hydrodynamical and
morphological processes. The novelty is the application of the GPU techniques
in the numerical model, making it possible to simulate the sediment transport
and bed evolution in a high-resolution but efficient manner. The model was
applied to two cases to evaluate bed evolution and the effects of the
morphological changes on the flood patterns with high resolution. This
indicated that the GPU-based high-resolution hydro-geomorphological model was
capable of reproducing morphological processes. The computational times for
this test case on the GPU and CPU were 298.1 and 4531.2 s, respectively,
indicating that the GPU could accelerate the computation 15.2 times. Compared
with the traditional CPU high-grid resolution, the proposed GPU-based
high-resolution numerical model improved the reconstruction speed more than
2.0–12.83 times for different grid resolutions while remaining computationally
Sediment simulation; Shallow water equation; Finite-volume method; GPU
Kambiz Farahi Moghadam; Mohammad Ali Banihashemi; Peyman
Badiei; Ali Shirkavand
time-splitting pressure-correction projection method for complete two-fluid
modeling of a local scour hole
Journal of Sediment Research,
35, Issue 4, 2020, Pages 395-407, ISSN 1001-6279,
A two-dimensional vertical (2DV), Eulerian two-phase model or complete
two-fluid model of the free surface flow was developed to simulate
water-sediment flow in a local scour hole. In the model, the complete forms of
the vertical, two-dimensional, two-fluid Navier-Stokes equations were
discretized using a finite volume scheme. This discretization was done based on
a standard staggered grid system using a curvilinear network system in
compliance with the bed boundaries and water level. At the beginning of the
computational cycle, the equations governing the fluid phase were solved based
on the two-step projection method with a pressure-correction technique. In the
first step, the intermediate fluid velocities were obtained by solving
different phases of the momentum equations of the fluid phase using the
time-splitting technique. In the second step, pressure was obtained and fluid
velocities were updated. In this step a simple discretization method was
applied for decreasing the computational complexity. After obtaining all the
fluid phase variables at a new time step, the sediment phase momentum equations
were solved using the time-splitting technique and sediment velocities were
obtained. Then, at the end of the computational cycle, the sediment phase mass
equation was solved and the concentrations of both phases were updated. At
last, the capacity of the model for simulating of the longitudinal fluid
velocity and sediment concentration in a local scour hole was evaluated.
Numerical results were found to be in good agreement with experimental data.
Numerical modeling; Complete two-fluid model;
Time-splitting pressure-correction projection method; Local scour hole;
Sediment concentration; Longitudinal fluid velocity
Leichao Bai; Nan Wang; Juying Jiao; Yixian Chen; Bingzhe Tang;
Haolin Wang; Yulan Chen; Xiqin Yan; Zhijie Wang
erosion and sediment interception by check dams in a watershed for an extreme
rainstorm on the Loess Plateau, China
Journal of Sediment Research,
35, Issue 4, 2020, Pages 408-416, ISSN 1001-6279,
The magnitude of soil erosion and sediment load reduction efficiency of check
dams under extreme rainstorms is a long-standing concern. The current paper
aims to use check dams to deduce the amount of soil erosion under extreme
rainstorms in a watershed and to identify the difference in sediment
interception efficiency of different types of check dams. Based on the sediment
deposition at 12 check dams with 100% sediment interception efficiency and
sub-catchment clustering by taking 12 dam-controlled catchments as clustering
criteria, the amount of soil erosion resulting from an extreme rainstorm event
on July 26, 2017 (named “7·26” extreme rainstorm) was estimated in the Chabagou
watershed in the hill and gully region of the Loess Plateau. The differences in
the sediment interception efficiency among the check dams in the watershed were
analyzed according to field observations at 17 check dams. The results show
that the average erosion intensity under the “7–26” extreme rainstorm was
approximately 2.03 × 104 t/km2, which was 5 times that in the second largest
erosive rainfall in 2017 (4.15 × 103 t/km2) and 11–384 times that for storms in
2018 (0.53 × 102 t/km2 - 1.81 × 103 t/km2). Under the “7–26” extreme rainstorm,
the amount of soil erosion in the Chabagou watershed above the Caoping
hydrological station was 4.20 × 106 t. The sediment interception efficiency of
the check dams with drainage canals (including the destroyed check dams) and
with drainage culverts was 6.48 and 39.49%, respectively. The total actual
sediment amount trapped by the check dams was 1.11 × 106 t, accounting for
26.36% of the total amount of soil erosion. In contrast, 3.09 × 106 t of
sediment were input to the downstream channel, and the sediment deposition in
the channel was 2.23 × 106 t, accounting for 53.15% of the total amount of soil
erosion. The amount of sediment transport at the hydrological station was 8.60
× 105 t. The Sediment Delivery Ratio (SDR) under the “7·26” extreme rainstorm
was 0.21. The results indicated that the amount of soil erosion was huge, and
the sediment interception efficiency of the check dams was greatly reduced
under extreme rainstorms. It is necessary to strengthen the management and
construction technology standards of check dams to improve the sediment
interception efficiency and flood safety in the watershed.
Extreme rainstorm; Soil erosion; Check dam; Sediment interception; Loess
Vinicius Henrique Macieldos Santos; Francisco Joséda Silva
Dias; Audálio Rebelo Torres; R?mulo Araújo Soares; Laís Costa Tertoa Ant?nio
Carlos Lealde Castro; Ricardo Luvizotto Santos; Marco Valério Jansen Cutrimd
and suspended particulate matter retention in macrotidal estuaries located in
Amazonia-semiarid interface (Northeastern-Brazil)
Journal of Sediment Research,
35, Issue 4, 2020, Pages 417-429, ISSN 1001-6279,
The aim of the current study was to determine the nature of the seasonal
variability of the Suspended Particulate Matter (SPM) fluxes from the drainage
basin to the estuary in a macrotidal region (Northeastern Brazil), and the
estuarine response to a seawater intrusion regarding sediment deposition, which
will support the understanding of the global transport of materials at the
continent-ocean interface. Thermohaline structure data was acquired using a
Conductivity, Temperature, and Depth (CTD) probe with a sampling frequency of 4
Hz. Suspended particulate material was measured by gravimetric measurements
applied to exact filtered volume samples. The outflows were measured through
the use of an Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (ADCP) with frequency of 1.5
MHz. The horizontal thermal and saline gradients varied from warmer and less
saline waters (2014) to cooler and saline waters (2015). The gradient behavior
when linked to volume transport and SPM flows, suggests a minimization of the
fluvial flows in 2015, easing the advance of coastal water (CW) towards the
inner estuary, leading to an inversion of the baroclinic pressure gradient. The
bottom saline front, generated by the entrance of coastal water masses, caused
an increase in SPM concentrations due to increased fluid density, resuspension
of previously deposited sediment, and erosion of banks. High concentrations of
SPM indicate higher volume transport suggesting a hydraulic barrier due to the
change/inversion of the baroclinic pressure gradient, resulting in water and
material retention. Material deposition was observed during neap tide, while
during spring tide the material is resuspended, increasing the concentration,
generating cycles of deposition and erosion during the neap-spring tides. The
sediment in suspension that reach the estuary, even with low fluvial volume, stay
in this environment forming new islands because of deposition. High deposition
rates or sediment cycling, if generated by the hydraulic barrier, may indicate
that the flows of SPM from the continental drainage to the estuary and adjacent
continental shelf are interrupted and the residence time is increased.
Brazilian Amazonia; Materials discharges; Macrotidal estuaries; Freshwater
percentage; Residence time