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The Sixth WASER Council Meeting and Assembly held in Chengdu, China
Release time: 2019-09-25


The Sixth Council Meeting of the World Association for Sedimentation and Erosion Research (WASER) was held in Chengdu, China on September 16, 2019. The Council Meeting was attended by 15 members representing both the Fifth Council and the newly elected Sixth Council, as well as several observers. Prof. Zhaoyin Wang, President of the Association, presided over the meeting successively.

Six reports were presented at the meeting. These included the President’s report by Prof. Zhaoyin Wang; the Treasurer’s report by Prof. Cheng Liu; a report on the selection of the International Qian Ning Prize for 2019 by Prof. Guangquan Liu; a report on the recent development of the “International Journal of Sediment Research” and the papers from the journal selected for Awards by the Editor in Chief, Prof. Hongwei Fang; reports on the work of the Secretariat during the period 2016-2019 and the work plan for 2019-2022 by Prof. Guangquan Liu and an overview of the venue, sponsors and central theme of the forthcoming 15th ISRS (Florence, Italy, 2022) by Prof. Luca Solari.

The meeting received the result of the poll for the election of members to the WASER Council for 2019-2022, and noted additional Council members, including the Co-opted Members (Prof. Des Walling, Prof. Giampaolo Di Silvio, Prof. Ulrich Zanke and Prof. Kejun Yang), and an Ex-officio Members (Prof. Guangquan Liu, Prof. Cheng Liu, Prof. Hongwei Fang and Mr. Wensheng Zhang).

The meeting also formally noted the awards of the International Qian Ning Prize for 2019 to Prof. Silke Wieprecht (Germany) and Prof. Marwan Hassan (Canada), as reported by Prof. Guangquan Liu, Secretary General; and the three papers nominated for the 2019 Awards for Distinguished Contributions to Sediment Research, representing the best papers published in the International Journal of Sediment Research (IJSR) between 2016 and 2018, as reported by the Editor in Chief, Prof. Hongwei Fang.

Issues related to the future development of the Association, changes to the statutes, recruiting of members, revised membership dues, the IJSR impact factor and the co-sponsoring of international conferences were also discussed.

The Sixth WASER Assembly was held during the 14th International Symposium on River Sedimentation (14th ISRS) in Chengdu, China on September 19, 2019. The Executive Secretary General Prof. Cheng Liu chaired the Assembly. The President Prof. Zhaoyin Wang delivered a speech. He reviewed the establishment and development of the Association and reported main activities in international conferences, international training workshops, international awards and development of the IJSR in the past three years. He also announced the Officers and Members of the Sixth Council of WASER.

Awards including the International Qian Ning Prize for 2019 and the 2019 Distinguished Contributions to Sediment Research Awards, awarded for the best papers published in IJSR during the period 2016-2018 were announced at the Assembly. Prof. Silke Wieprecht (Germany) and Prof. Marwan Hassan (Canada) received International Qian Ning Prize in recognition of their outstanding scientific or technological contributions in the fields of erosion and sedimentation research. Three papers with corresponding authors of Prof. Navid Kimiaghalam (Canada), Prof. Hongling Shi (China) and Prof. Danesh Tafti (USA) received awards for Distinguished Contributions to Sediment Research.


Pictures of the Sixth WASER Council Meeting





The Sixth WASER Council Meeting

(The meeting; Prof. Z.Y. Wang delivering his President’s Report; Prof. C. Liu preseting Treasurer’s report; Prof. G.Q. Liu presenting the Secretariat Report; Prof. H.W. Fang reporting the award papers; 

Prof. Luca Solari reporting preparations for the next Symposium; President and Vice Presidents and other Council members)


Group photo


 Pictures of the Sixth WASER Assembly


The Fifth WASER Assembly


President Prof. Z.Y. Wang delivering his speech


Prof. G.Q. Liu and Prof. H.W. Fang announcing the awards 


Prof. Z.Y. Wang and Prof. H. Nakagawa, President and Vice President of WASER, handing Award plaques to the winners of International Qian Ning Prize

Prof. Gary Parker, Prof. Marcelo Garcia and Prof. Pengzhi Lin handing certificates to the winners of the IJSR best papers


Speeches by the winners

(Prof. Danesh Tafti; Prof. Hongling Shi)


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