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Impact Factor of International Journal of Sediment Research Increases to 1.970
Release time: 2019-07-02

The 2019 Journal Citation Reports (JCR) were released by Clarivate Analytics in June. The International Journal of Sediment Research Journal Impact Factor for 2018 is 1.970.

In the past three years, the Journal Impact Factor of IJSR has been increasing year on year: 1.494 in 2016 and 1.659 in 2017. We would like to express our sincere thanks to our Associate Editors, reviewers, authors and readers for their invaluable contribution and great support.


The International Journal of Sediment Research is an international, peer reviewed journal focusing on the publication of original theoretical, numerical modelling, field observational, and laboratory studies and reviews dealing with processes, products and techniques in the field of sedimentation and erosion. Of particular interest are contributions covering geography, geomorphology, soil erosion, watershed management, sediment transport, sedimentology, fluvial processes, fluvial geomorphology, reservoir sedimentation, coastal sedimentation and estuarine processes, sediment-related ecological and environmental problems, river management, and social and economic effects of sedimentation. Researchers are encouraged to submit their important papers to the International Journal of Sediment Research.


The journal became the official journal of the World Association for Sedimentation and Erosion Research (WASER) in 2004. The journal is sponsored by International Research and Training Center on Erosion and Sedimentation (IRTCES), China Institute of Water Resources and Hydropower Research (IWHR), and Tsinghua University. The journal has been available to a global audience electronically via the premier online platform ScienceDirect since 2008.


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