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A Thailand Delegation from Land Development Department Visited IRTCES
Release time: 2018-11-08

On November 5, 2018, a Thailand delegation leading by Ms. Juraiporn Kaewthip of the Thailand Land Development Department and Professor Wanwisa Pansak of Naresunan University with a group of 5 experts visited the International Research and Training Center on Erosion and Sedimentation (IRTCES). The aim of the visiting is to exchange and discuss related research and international exchange work on soil and water conservation between the two sides. The delegation was received by Prof. Ning Duihu, the Deputy Director of IRTCES, and Professor Li Rui, the president of World Association of Soil and Water Conservation (WASWAC). Dr. Du Pengfei, the secretary of the WASWAC, Dr Qu Liqin, the executive editor for the International Soil and Water Conservation Research (ISWCR), IRTCES staffs in Division of the Secretariat and graduate student representatives attended this meeting.

Prof. Ning Duihu extended a warm welcome to the Thailand delegation and looked forward to continuing and enhancing our long-term cooperation tradition. Dr. Du Pengfei introduced the works developed by the secretariat of the WASWAC and the development of related researches. Dr. Qu Liqin delivered a brief introduction on IRTCES including the organization, the operation, and the routine works of this center as well as the recent international exchange activities. Juraiporn Kaewthip introduced the Thailand Land Development Department and its offices set up in different regions, emphasized their efforts in soil erosion control and land conservation. Prof. Wanwisa Pansak described the research works of her team in erosion and nutrient loess in Hillside, presented the application of Unmanned Aerial Vehicle in erosion related studies.

Both parties expressed the strong willing in promoting cooperation not only in research projects but also in academic exchange, international conference hosting, and journal promotion.


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