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The 1st Associate Editor Meeting was successfully held in Beijing, Oct.29-Nov.1, 2017
Release time: 2017-12-25

  The Associate Editor Meeting of International Journal of Sediment Research (IJSR) was held in Beijing, China on Oct. 30-Nov.1, 2017. The topic of this meeting was about the future development of IJSR. Eleven editors from China, America, France, Singapore, India and the Netherlands attended this meeting. Participants include professors Duihu Ning, vice-director of IRTCES, Hongwei Fang, chief editor of IJSR, Yee Meng Chiew, Subhasish Dey, Zoubeir Lafhaj, Xixi Lu, Charles Steven Melching, Danny Reible, Panayiotis Diplas, Zhengbing Wang,Guoan Yu and other members.                         

  International Journal of Sediment Research is a quarterly publication, with 50~60 papers published per year. The Journal Impact Factor (IF) in 2016 has increased to 1.494, while it is 1.306 in 2014 and 1.388 in 2015.

  The attendees had congenial discussions about the future development of IJSR and they came up with numerous suggestions on how to enhance the international influence and make the journal achieve greater progress.

  The conference reaches a consensus that the international influence of IJSR needs improvement. The main measure includes 1) publishing special issues, 2) inviting associate editors or other famous scholars to provide review papers, 3) setting up section of the editorial office in Tsinghua University. 4) a limit for paper length should be set to ensure the quality of publications. 5) financial support would be vital for journal development, 6) the scope or subject of the journal could be extended to interdisciplinary, hot topics, and new topics.



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