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IRTCES representatives visit the University of Caen, France for preparing the 6th International Conference on Estuaries and Coasts
Release time: 2016-06-27

On June 16, 2016, Prof. Liu Guangquan, Deputy Director, and Prof. Liu Cheng, Deputy Division Chief of the IRTCES visited the University of Caen, France for preparing the 6th International Conference on Estuaries and Coasts (ICEC 2018) to be held in 2018 in Caen, France.

Ms. Anne Guesdon, Vice President of the University of Caen, welcomed the IRTCES delegation and had a friendly meeting with participants of Prof. Kim Dan Nguyen, Director Executive of the Group of Scientific Interest of “Hydraulics for Environment and Sustainable Development” (GIS HEDD) which is ICEC 2018 co-organizer, and Dr. Sylvain Guillou, University of Caen (Normandie). Prof. Liu Guangquan expressed appreciation to the University of Caen and GIS HEDD for the warm reception, briefed the IRTCES and the ICEC, and discussed specific issues of the ICEC 2018 preparation and made some suggestions on the conference organization. Ms. Guesdon introduced the history and development of the University, and invited Prof. Nguyen to present the progress of the ICEC 2018 preparation and plans for the conference organization. Conference details concerning the date, schedule, participants, keynote presentations, co-sponsors, proceedings and technical tours were discussed. After the meeting, the IRTCES delegation visited places of registration, conference hall for plenary sessions, meeting rooms for parallel sessions, and room for post sessions accompanied by French colleagues. Specific layout and arrangement for the conference were discussed. The Mont Saint-Michel and the Couesnon Sluice for the ICEC 2018 technical tour were visited.

The ICEC is a series of international conferences sponsored by the IRTCES, and five ICECs have been successfully organized in China's Hangzhou and Guangzhou; Sendai, Japan; Hanoi, Vietnam; Muscat, Oman in 2003, 2006, 2009, 2012 and 2015, respectively. The 6th conference ICEC 2018 will be hosted by GIS HEDD and University of Caen in 2018 in Caen, France.

Group photo after the meeting

Visit of conference hall for the ICEC 2018

Visit of site of technical tours for the ICEC 2018

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