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IRTCES representatives attend the 22nd session of the IHP Intergovernmental Council of the UNESCO
Release time: 2016-06-27

The 22nd session of the International Hydrological Programme (IHP) Intergovernmental Council of the UNESCO was held in Paris on 13 – 17 June 2016. The Council session examined recent institutional developments in light of the relevant outcomes of the 38th session of the General Conference, including the Programme and Budget for 2016-2017 (38 C/5), particularly as these relate to the implementation of the Eighth Phase of IHP (IHP-VIII, 2014-2021). The Council also reviewed the implementation of the resolutions adopted by the 21st session of the IHP Council (Paris, June 2014); the implementation of the Programme; UNESCO’s Water Family, including the nomination of office bearers in various boards of these entities; and, cooperation on freshwater issues with the UN system and other organizations, among other matters.

Prof. Liu Guangquan, Deputy Director, and Prof. Liu Cheng, Deputy Division Chief of the IRTCES, attended the meeting as representatives of Chinese Delegation and UNESCO Category II Centers. The IRTCES delegate made a speech introducing IRTCES’ contributions and supports to the IHP in promoting advancement of global researches on erosion and sedimentation and knowledge dissemination by acting as the UNESCO-IHP-ISI Technical Secretariat, sponsoring series of international conferences (ISRS, ICEC and WASWAC conference), publishing international journals (IJSR and ISWCR), organizing international training workshops, acting as Secretariats for international associations (WASER and WASWAC), and undertaking scientific research and consultant projects.

A Category 2 Centers Meeting was held on the evening of 14 June. Directors and representatives of water-related centers and UNESCO Chairs attended the meeting. In the meeting, Ms. Blanca Jimenez-Cisneros, Director Division of Water Sciences and Secretary of the IHP, introduced status of Category 2 centers; Mr. Giuseppe Arduino, Chief of Eco-hydrology, Water Quality and Water Education Section of Water Sciences introduced the Category 2 Science Centers Meeting held in Beijing on 15-18 June 2016 and the Beijing Action Plan adopted at the meeting; Mr. Luis Chicharo, International Center for Coastal Ecohydrology (ICCE) and UNESCO Chair in Ecohydrology Water for Ecosystems and Societies, introduced the GoWater Project; and Ms. Marian Patrick, International Center for Water Cooperation (ICWC) introduced International Water Cooperation. Relevant issues were discussed among the participants. The IRTCES delegate made speeches in the discussions introducing IRTCES and its recent activities, proposing to strengthen cooperation among Category 2 Centers and UNESCO Chairs, and specifically proposing future collaborations with ICCE for IRTCES’ International Conference on Estuaries and Coasts (ICEC).

A meeting was held on the noon of 15 June for discussing renewal Agreement between UNESCO and Government of China concerning IRTCES. Participants includes: Ms. Clare Stark, Mr. Giuseppe Arduino, Mr. Abou Amani, Mr. Anil Mishra and Ms. Renee Gift from UNESCO; Ms. XU Jing, Ministry of Water Resources of China; Mr. YI Zhijun, China Permanent Delegation to UNESCO; and Mr. LIU Guangquan and Mr. LIU Cheng, IRTCES.

The 22nd session of the IHP Intergovernmental Council

IRTCES representatives in the meeting

Meeting for discussing renewal IRTCES Agreement

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