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The Vice President of Korea K - water Institute visited the IRTCES
Release time: 2016-05-30

On May 16, 2016, Deputy Director of the IRTCES met with Dr.K.Jin Min, Vice President of K – water Institute, Republic of Korea. Both sides had an in-depth exchange of views for strengthening cooperation between UNESCO category II centers, etc.

Firstly, Prof. Ning Duihu expressed warm welcome to the Korean Delegation headed by Dr. K. Jin Min, Vice President of the K – water Institute, then, Prof. Liu Xiaoying from the IRTCES presented general situation and international activities undertaken in recent years ; Guests also introduced the preparation for the newly approved UNESCO category II Centre-International Centre for Water Security and Sustainable Management, which is affiliated to the K-water Institute, Republic of Korea and expressed willingness to strengthen future cooperation. Finally, Prof. Ning answered the questions upon the requirements of the guests.

Other delegation members include senior managers, Mr.Kim, Do-Gyoun, Ms Se Jin Oh and Interpreter. Dr Qu LiQin from the IRTCES also attended the meeting.

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