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SCI Impact Factor of the International Journal of Sediment Research for 2013 is 0.977
Release time: 2014-09-09

The SCI Impact Factor of the International Journal of Sediment Research (IJSR) for 2013 is 0.977 according to the recently released Thomson Reuters Journal Citation Reports. 

International Journal of Sediment Research (IJSR) is an international scientific journal published by the International Research and Training Centre on Erosion and sedimentation (IRTCES). The Journal was inaugurated in 1986 and has been publishing sediment-related studies with emphasis on engineering sedimentation problems. It is devoted exclusively to the reporting of progresses in the mechanics of sediment transport and fluvial processes and what are related to geography, geomorphology, soil erosion, sediment yield, soil conservation, environmental and ecological impacts of sedimentation, social and economic effects of sedimentation and its assessment. Special attention is paid to engineering problems related to sedimentation and erosion, and mainly for readers outside of China. It has set up a good reputation worldwide. Many renowned scholars highly assess the Journal. The Journal publishes 4 issues a year since 1998. Papers of the journal have been included in Engineering Information (EI) since 1997. The journal became the official journal of the World Association for Sedimentation and Erosion Research (WASER) in 2004. The journal has been available to a global audience electronically via the premier online platform ScienceDirect since 2008.

Submitting your upcoming papers on sediment and river related topics to the International Journal of Sediment Research are encouraged.  Your paper will get the high visibility of an Elsevier and SCI journal, and it can get printed more quickly than in many other journals.  Further, the Journal needs to maintain and improve the quality that got it in the SCI, and your submission of quality papers will help us maintain and increase the quality standards of the Journal.

(Special thanks to Mr. David Ding from Thomson Reuters for providing information of the IJSR Impact Factors)

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