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K-Water Institute experts visits IRTCES
Release time: 2013-12-23


On afternoon December 19, 2013, Dr. Won-Sil Kim and Mr. Moonhwan Sung, Director General and Senior Clerk of R&D Panning and Management Department, K-water Institute, K-water, Korea visited International Research and Training Center on Erosion and Sedimentation (IRTCES), to learn experience for establishing and running an UNESCO Category II center, and discuss future cooperation between two institutes. On behalf of the IRTCES Deputy Director and Secretary-General Prof. Hu Chunhong, Division Chief Prof. Chen Jianguo, Division Chief Prof. Wang Yangui, Deputy Division Chief Prof. Liu Cheng and Prof. Shi Hongling welcomed the guests and had a friendly discussion.


K-water is a major water-managing public corporation in Korea with a history of 46 years of water management, and the K-Water Institute is a research institute under the K-water. The establishing International Center on Water Security and Sustainable Management (i-WSSM), which has been approved as one of UNESCO water-related Category II Centers in the 37th UNESCO General Conference in November 2013, will be located in K-water Institute in Daejeon.


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