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China attends Kazakh interests over cross-border river utilization, development
Release time: 2010-02-10

China attached great importance to the Sino-Kazakh strategic partnership as well as the rational utilization and protection of the cross-border river water resources, said a Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman on Thursday.

Foreign Ministry spokesman Ma Zhaoxu voiced China's position at a regular news briefing, when asked to comment on the Kazakh government's idea that it hoped to properly handle issues relating to cross-border rivers with China through active consultation.

"China and Kazakhstan have maintained sound communication and cooperation on issues concerning cross-border rivers," said Ma.

He said China has abided by the principle of sustainable development with regard to the exploitation and utilization of the cross-border rivers, and had taken into account the interests and concerns of neighboring countries.

China had given scientific consideration to the capacity of upstream and downstream water resources and the environment, which was in line with the requirement of building an environment-friendly and energy-saving society, Ma said.

"China's purpose is to ensure the mutually beneficial cooperation and common development of both sides in the border area," Ma said.

The two nations signed the Agreement on Cooperation on Cross-Border River Utilization and Protection on Sept. 12, 2001.

They also set up a Joint Committee on Cross-Border River Utilization and Protection and incorporated the committee into the vice-premier level China-Kazakhstan Cooperation Commission in 2008.

Source: Xinhua

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