Dear WASER Members,
As the year 2009 draws to an end, we feel that we can once again look back on a successful and eventful year for WASER, and its Second Council would like to take this opportunity to thank all members for their continuing support for the Association and wish you a happy and prosperous New Year for 2010.
Happy New Year (English)!
Bonne Année(French)!
Frohliches Neues Jahr(German)!
Поздравляю Васс Новмыгодом (Russian)!
明けましておめでとうございます(Japanese) !
During the last year there have been several new developments and achievements for the Association, including:
(1) As the official Journal of both IRTCES and WASER, the quality of the International Journal of Sediment Research (IJSR) has been further improved. The number and range of contributors have increased significantly over the past two years. Following the agreement signed in 2007 and 2008 between ELSEVIER, IAHR and WASER and IRTCES, the quality of the Journal has progressively increased. The Journal was also added to the Web of Science in 2008.
(2) The Association is continuing to grow and now has over 342 members. Another 12 new members from 10 countries joined our Association in 2009.
(3) WASER co-sponsored a number of very successful international symposia and workshops. These included:
(i) The 3rd International Conference on Estuaries and Coasts (ICEC-2009) held in Sendai, Japan from Sept.14 -16, 2009. More than 100 participants from over 20 countries and regions attended this important technical event. A Chinese delegation of 25 members, headed by Prof. HU Chunhong, Secretary General and Deputy Director of IRTCES, participated in the conference.
(ii) The International Workshop on Sediment Problems and Sediment Management in Asian River Basins, held in Hyderabad, India, from September 7 - 8, 2009. The 2-day workshop formed part of the Scientific Assembly of the International Association of Hydrological Sciences (IAHS) and the International Association of Hydrogeologists (IAH). The workshop was a joint venture between the International Commission on Continental Erosion (ICCE) of IAHS, the UNESCO International Sediment Initiative (ISI) and the WASER. The involvement of the UNESCO ISI was particularly important, because UNESCO provided funds to support the attendance of several invited speakers, who presented overview papers relating to sediment problems in their home countries or local regions.
(iii) The LANDCON Symposium ‘Global Change – Challenges for Soil Management’ organized by the World Association for Soil and Water Conservation (WASWC) at Tara Mountain, Serbia, from May 26 – 30, 2009. This important multidisciplinary symposium brought together about 150 participants with interests in soil erosion and sediment management and was very successful in promoting dialogue between scientists and practitioners with interests ranging from soil conservation, through erosion processes to environmental law. A one-day field excursion provided an excellent opportunity to enjoy the very attractive and impressive landscape of the Tara Mountain and its environs.
(iv) The Advanced Training Workshop on Integrated River Basin Management organized by IRTCES in collaboration with the UNESCO Beijing Office, from July 27-August 3, 2009, in Beijing, China. This workshop was attended by 51 participants from 18 countries including Afghanistan, Australia, Bangladesh, DPRK, Hungary, India, Iran, Indonesia, Myanmar, Mongolia, Nepal, Romania, Sri Lanka, Sudan, Uganda, Uzbekistan and China.
(4) It is very pleasing to announce that the University of Kyoto submitted an invitation for the 12th ISRS to be held in Kyoto, Japan, in 2013 and that this invitation was strongly supported by IRTCES and has also received the unanimous support of the WASER Council.
(5) The statutes of WASER, have been revised and updated and they will shortly be finally approved by the Council.
Looking to the future, in 2010, WASER will elect a new Third Council and appoint its new officers for the period 2010 – 2013. It will also organize its Third Council Meeting and General Assembly in conjunction? with the 11th ISRS to be held in South Africa, at the University of Stellenbosch (near Cape Town), from Monday 6 and Thursday 9 September 2010. The ISRS Symposia are held every three years and are coordinated by WASER.
WASER members and all scientists and engineers with an interest in erosion and sedimentation are warmly invited to participate in the conference which will include technical presentations, a technical visit, an exhibition, pre- and post-conference tours and a full accompanying person’s programme in and around Cape Town. Other important activities for 2010 include cosponsoring the ICHE2010 to be held in India.
All members of the WASER are encouraged to participate in the above events. Meanwhile, WASER will continue to develop its initiatives on the production of “White Papers on the Status of Global Soil Erosion and Sediment Transport” and the standardization of terminology and technological criteria on soil erosion and sedimentation, to strive for participation in relevant international initiatives, to organize training courses, research meetings and workshops, and to conduct relevant work on award reviews.
The Officers and Council of WASER will do their best to promote the development of the Association, but your support for our Association will be very important in ensuring its success.
We remind you to visit the WASER web site ( new features such as News, Photos, Meeting Announcements and Information and much more. We also hope that members will send news items, photos, and announcements related to soil erosion and sedimentation to the Secretariat of WASER (E-mail to:? or, so that they can be posted on the WASER website and shared with our all members.
With very best wishes
Desmond E. Walling, (UK), President of WASER
Giampaolo Di Silvio, (Italy), Vice President of WASER
Chih Ted Yang, (USA), Vice President of WASER
Shangfu Kuang, (China), Director of IRTCES
Chunhong Hu, (China), Vice Director and
Secretary General of IRTCES
Qiyang Yu, (China), Secretary General of WASER
President: Des E. Walling (UK)
Vice Presidents: G. Di Silvio (Italy), C.Ted Yang (USA)
Secretary General: Qiyang Yu (IRTCES); Treasurer: Xiaoying Liu (IRTCES)
Council Members: Chunhong Hu (China), Zhaoyin Wang (China), Ulrich C.E. Zanke (Germany), S.P.Sen (India), F. Yazadandoost (Iran), H.E.Nakagawa (Japan), Jim Bogen (Norway), Wojciech Froehlich (Poland), Roman S. Chalov (Russia),Basson (South Africa), Sam S.Y.Wang (USA), John R. Gray (USA), A. Szollosi Nagy(UNESCO)
PDF File:
2010 New Year Greeting Message
2010 Renewal and Application Form and Instruction