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Speech of Mr. Abhimanyu Singh at the IRTCES Silver Jubilee Celebration
Release time: 2009-08-04

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Draft Opening speech for
Mr. Abhimanyu Singh
Director and Representative of
UNESCO Office to DPR Korea, Japan, Mongolia, PR of China and Republic of Korea
On the occasion of the Silver Jubilee Ceremony for IRTCES
29 July 2009, Beijing
Excellencies, distinguished and honourable guests, ladies and gentlemen,

Good morning!

I am pleased to welcome you to the Silver Jubilee Ceremony of the International Research and Training Centre on Erosion and Sedimentation (IRTCES).

Erosion and sedimentation are important components of the global hydrological system. The sustainable management of erosion, along with processes of sedimentation, is indispensable for sustainable development and maximum utilization of our scarce water resources. Erosion and the processes of sedimentation result in significant economic, social and environmental repercussions across the world, including the loss of thousands of human lives owing to natural disasters. It is estimated that more than fifty percent of the original storage capacity of the world’s water reservoirs could be missing in the next decades due to unwise management of erosion and sedimentation. Negative impacts could be further exacerbated as a result of population growth, climate change and the enhanced vulnerability of poor communities.

To face these challenges, our management of erosion and sedimentation should be greatly improved. It is necessary to enhance our current knowledge on topics such as the baseline data investigation for sedimentation and the processes of erosion and sedimentation on a global scale. More importantly, research and expertise needs to be continuously upgraded through capacity development activities and the building of dynamic international research networks.  

The International Research and Training Centre on Erosion and Sedimentation (IRTCES), as the first UNESCO category II centre set up in 1984, was established in this context. IRTCES has become the technical secretariat for the International Sedimentation Initiative (ISI), functioning as both a think tank and a technical hub. Under the auspices of UNESCO, the Centre has carried out a series of investigations with long-term implications for sustainable water management. These include sediment management and wetland conservation in key river basins in China, including the Yellow River, the East River and the Pearl River basins. This research has led to documentation of case studies on monitoring and data processing techniques, along with application of advanced methods and procedures for the analysis of economic, social and environmental impacts of erosion and sedimentation.

Over the years, the role of IRTCES as a technical hub for research on erosion and sedimentation has been further strengthened through educational and capacity building programmes. I am glad to note that, a day in advance of this ceremony, an International Advance Training Workshop on Integrated River Basin Management was successfully held in IRTCES. This is a part of the concerted efforts of the Centre, as technical secretariat of ISI, to promote international transfer and exchange of professional knowledge on erosion and sedimentation. The training would serve to broaden the understanding of participants on integrated river basin management and impart technical skills for monitoring and data collection on erosion and sedimentation. 

Ladies and Gentlemen, we are here today to salute the impressive achievements of IRTCES during the past twenty-five years. As the first category II institute of UNESCO in this part of the world IRTCES will continue to inspire and influence the work of other institutes in the region and beyond.  

In the quarter of a century since IRTCES came into being a dramatic shift has occurred in our perception of the threat to the global environment as one of the highest priorities in development. This highlights the importance of the role quality institute like IRTCES can play in addressing the daunting challenges ahead. In times to come not only will IRTCES need to keep in step with the need for better and more research on erosion and sedimentation but also take the lead in promoting inter-institutional linkages with other developing countries in the framework of south-south cooperation.

Finally, I would like to thank all participants who are with us today to celebrate the achievements of IRTCES. I join you in conveying our best wishes to the leadership of IRTCES for a successful future.  

Thank you.

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