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Director-General of UNESCO to launch IWRM Guidelines at River Basin Level at the 5th World Water Fo
Release time: 2009-03-20

'IWRM Guidelines at River Basin Level' coverDirector-General of UNESCO to launch IWRM Guidelines at River Basin Level at the 5th World Water Forum

The IWRM Guidelines will be launched by Mr. Koïchiro Matsuura, Director-General of UNESCO, at the 5th World Water Forum in Istanbul, 16th March, 2009.

The Guidelines are produced as a contribution of UNESCO’s International Hydrological Programme towards the World Water Assessment Programme (WWAP) with dedicated support from Japanese Government.

The Guidelines consist of two parts.

  1. Overarching Principles of IWRM at River Basin Level for policy-makers
  2. Practical keys for success and good examples intended for practitioners of IWRM at River Basin Level

The Guidelines propose a ‘Spiral Model’ of IWRM, which illustrates the evolving and dynamic nature of the IWRM process. Accumulated ‘Key for Success’ can be used in practice to help IWRM succeed at the river basin level. ‘Good examples’ in several different river basins worldwide show how these keys could overcome the issues.

Full document of the IWRM Guidelines at River Basin Level (PDF format):

These are meant to be a living document – users are therefore invited to contribute to their improvement with suggestions and by introducing new case studies.

Further Information:
Toshihiro Sonoda, Programme Specialist, Division of Water Sciences, UNESCO, Paris,


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