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Chinese New Year Celebration with UNESCO
Release time: 2009-03-20

When the Chinese Lunar New Year, the year of ox, is approaching, the International Research and Training Center on Erosion and Sedimentation (IRTCES)/ISI Technical Secretariat  invited officials of the UNESCO Office Beijing, the National Commission of the People's Republic of China for the UNESCO and the Department of International Cooperation, Science and Technology, the Ministry of Water Resources of the People's Republic of China (MWR) to have a Chinese New Year Celebration together on January 19, 2009. Mr. Abhimanyu Singh, Representative to China and Director of the UNESCO Office Beijing, Mr. FANG Maotian, the Secretary-General of the National Commission of China for the UNESCO and Mr. LIU Zhiguang, the Deputy Director General of the Department of International Cooperation, Science and Technology of the MWR participated in the celebration.

Prof. Chunhong HU, the Secretary-General and Deputy Director of IRTCES welcomed all participants on behalf of IRTCES and expressed his sincerely appreciation to the UNESCO's, the National Commission of China for the UNESCO’s and the MWR's long-term supports. In his speech, Prof. Hu summarized activities and achievements of IRTCES for 25 years since its establishment, and reviewed activities of international cooperation and communication, technical trainings, publications, researches and studies on major issues of the Three Gorges Project etc. in the last year, especially activities cooperated with UNESCO. He expressed that IRTCES would do its best to make the international academic activities for the Silver Jubilee of IRTCES and UNESCO Office Beijing a big success.

Mr. A. Singh said in his speech, “IRTCES is one of the oldest Category II center, and we will have the 25 years Anniversary of the Center together with 60 years anniversary of China this year, this is a milestone for the long term cooperation. We are looking forward to working with you in 2009 for strengthen the collaboration and sustainable development.” Mr. Fang Maotian hoped IRTCES continue to play the role of a flagship as the first established UNESCO Category II Center in China, and wished bigger accomplishments in the New Year.

Other participants included: Dr. R. Jayakumar, Ms. LIU Yi, Ms. TENG Yue and Mr. LIU Ke of the UNESCO Office Beijing; Ms. GUO Wei of the National Commission of China for the UNESCO; Mr. HAO Zhao, the Deputy Division Director of the Department of International Cooperation, Science and Technology of the MWR; Prof. YU Qiyang, the Deputy Director of IRTCES, Prof. WANG Zhao-Yin, Chairman of IRTCES Advisory Council, and advisors, division chiefs and staff of IRTCES.

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Group photo

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Prof. Chunhong HU, the Secretary-General and Deputy Director of IRTCES

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Mr. A. Singh, Representative to China and Director of the UNESCO Office Beijing

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Mr. FANG Maotian, the Secretary-General of the National Commission of China for the UNESCO

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