IRTCES NEWS: Seminar on Effect of Climate Change on Water Resources was organized in the Ministry of Water Resources of China (MWR) by the Chinese National Committee for IHP on May 26, 2008. The representatives from MWR, UNESCO, Bureau of Hydrology MWR, Chinese National Committee for IHP, International Research and Training Center on Erosion and Sedimentation (IRTCES), Yellow River Conservancy Commission (YRCC), Institute of Geography CAS, Tsinghua University, Beijing Normal University and Changjiang Water Resources Commission participated in the seminar.
The seminar was chaired by Prof. LIU Heng, Vice Chairman of the Chinese National Committee for IHP. Mr. CAI Jianyuan, Deputy Director General of Bureau of Hydrology, made a welcome speech on behalf of Mr. DENG Jian, the Director General. Dr. András Szöllösi-Nagy, Deputy Assistant Director General of UNESCO, Secretary of the IHP and Director of Division of Water Sciences, made a presentation on climate changes. In his presentation, Dr. Szöllösi-Nagy described the present status of the influences of climate change on global water resources, and predicted the future trend; he introduced related programmes, initiatives and activities for coping with climate changes by UNESCO IHP. Experts from IRTCES, YRCC, CAS, Tsinghua University and Beijing Normal University made relevant presentations.
Prof. HU Chunhong, Secretary General and Deputy Director of IRTCES, participated in the seminar with other three experts from IRTCES. Dr. LIU Cheng made a presentation of “Changes in Water and Sediment Loads of Rivers in China”.
Before the seminar, Mr. HU Siyi, Vice Minister of MWR had a friendly meeting with Dr. Szöllösi-Nagy. When IRTCES was mentioned in the talks, Dr. Szöllösi-Nagy highly appraised IRTCES playing key roles in international sediment research and cooperation. As the first established UNESCO water-related Category II center, IRTCES has been making significant contributions to the IHP. Prof. HU Chunhong, Secretary General and Deputy Director of IRTCES, participated in the meeting. (LIU Cheng, IRTCES)
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