IRTCES News: The 17th session of the IHP Intergovernmental Council was conducted on 3- 7 July 2006 at UNESCO Headquarters in Paris, France. Thirty-five Member States that are members of the Council sent delegates. Forty delegations from Member States that are not members of the Council attended. Twelve governmental and non-governmental organizations and seven UN organizations were also represented.
The Chinese delegation, totaling 10 experts from Ministry of Water Resources (MWR) and institutions under MWR, Ministry of Land and Resources, and Ministry of Education, took part in the meeting. There are about 200 participants from member countries, observer countries of IHP Intergovernmental Council, and non-government organizations in the meeting. As member of the Chinese delegation, Vice Director, Secretary General of the IRTCES, Prof. Hu Chunhong and Associate Professor of the IRTCES, Dr. Liu Cheng attended the meeting.
In the opening speech by Mr. Matsuura, the UNESCO’s Director General, he highlighted the creation of a UNESCO network of twelve category II centers devoted to water, and noted that the General Conference (at its 33rd session) and the Executive Board (at its 174th session) had approved the establishment of five new centers. He further noted that UNESCO would soon launch a review process of the centers that had been in operation the longest in order to ensure that their activities were in line with UNESCO’s strategic objectives. In addition, he noted with satisfaction that the Council would be spending a considerable part of its discussion in identifying the best mechanisms for achieving synergy between the centers themselves along with UNESCO-IHE.
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Meeting Hall of the 17th session of the IHP Intergovernmental Council
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Prof. Liu Heng and Prof. Hu Chunhong
As the Category II and the earliest established water related UNESCO Centre, representative of the IRTCES attended the meeting. During the council meeting, a list of 6 IHP representatives of IRTCES Advisory Council was announced at Agenda 8.
On July 5, 2006, Dr. Khin Ni Ni Thein, representing the IHP Secretariat reported the progress on new IHP initiatives. Mr. Manfred Spreafico, the Chairperson of ISI Steering Committee, reported on the overall progress of ISI. This was then followed by a report by Mr. Cheng Liu, representing the IRTCES in Beijing, China, which acts as the technical secretariat of ISI. Several delegates, including Italy, Costa Rica, USA, Egypt, India and Sudan, highlighted the importance of ISI, and introduced some activities undertaken in their countries concerning sedimentation. Italy encouraged collaboration with other initiatives related to sediments, such as the Sediment Management International Observatory (SMIO) and IAHS’s PUB. The representative of Sudan invited the delegates for the first ISI International Conference to be held in November 2006 in Khartoum.
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Meeting Hall for UNESCO Water Related Center
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Speech Given by the Representative of IRTCES