(IRTCES News, May 26, 2006): The meeting of core members of the UNESCO-IHP-ISI was held in Beijing on May 26, 2006. The participants for the meeting included: the Chief of the Section for Sustainable Water Resources Management, Dr. Khin Ni Ni Thein; Chairman of the Steering Committee of the ISI, Prof. Manfred Spreafico: Scientific Officer of the UNESCO Beijing Office, Dr. Ramasamy Jayakumar, Project Assistant of the UNESCO Beijing Office, Mrs. Wang Jin; Vice Director General and Secretary General of the IRTCES, Prof. Hu Chunhong; Advisor of the IRTCES, Prof. Tan Ying; Chairman of the IRTCES Advisory Council, Member of the Steering Committee of the ISI, Prof. Wang Zhaoyin; Vice Secretary General of the IRTCES, Mrs. Tong Yuling; Head of the Division of Training and Research, Prof. Wang Yangui; Deputy Head of the Division of Training and Research and Member of the Steering Committee of the ISI, Dr. Liu Cheng. The meeting was chaired by Prof. Wang Zhaoyin and Prof. Manfred Spreafico, respectively.
Firstly, Prof. Hu Chunhong addressed the meeting to welcome the members of the ISI Steering Committee to the meeting at the IRTCES. He pointed out that the renewed agreement between the UNESCO and China reiterated the objectives and responsibilities of the IRTCES, defined the relationship between the IRTCES and UNESCO, and confirmed the leading role of the IRTCES in the field of international research on sedimentation. Moreover, because it is also officially proposed to set up the Secretariat of the ISI at the IRTCES, this is the good opportunity but also the great challenge for the IRTCES. The IRTCES will try its every effort to fulfill the task of Secretariat of the ISI under the guidance and assistance of the UNESCO-ISI Steering Committee to assist in achieving the overall objective of the ISI.
Then, Dr. Liu Cheng briefed on the achievements of the IRTCES under the support of UNESCO, the research and training programs related to the ISI, and the preparatory work and work plan for establishing the Secretariat of the ISI.
Subsequently, the experts for the meeting had in-depth and painstaking discussion on establishment of the ISI, establishment of the ISI Information System and the recent work plan.
The meeting symbolized the official establishment of the ISI; the meeting has significance for the IRTCES to undertake the task of the Secretariat of the ISI and to expand the influence of the IRTCES in international academic circles.
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Meeting Room
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Group Photo
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Dr. Khin Ni Ni Thein
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Prof. Manfred Spreafico
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Prof. Hu Chunhong(Centre), Prof. Tan Ying(Right), Prof. Wang Zhaoyin(Left)
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Dr.Khin Ni Ni Thein Presenting a Gift