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Ambassador of the Republic of Rwanda to China Visited the IRTCES
Release time: 2006-04-18



    (News of IRTCES, April 5, 2006): Mr. M.Benjamin Rugangazi, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Rwanda to China and, Mr. Denys Uwimana, First Counsellor, paid a visit to the IRTCES todayMrs. Tong Yuling, Deputy Secretary General of the IRTCES, Mr. Wang Yangui, Division Chief of the IRTCES and Deputy Division Chief of the IRTCES, Dr. Liu Cheng met them and had a friendly talk.


In recent years, there has been a very good collaborative relationship between Rwanda and China, the visits between the two countries are more and more frequent. Upon the request of the Ambassador to learn more about the IRTCES and explore the possibilities of cooperation between the two countries in the aspects of research and training on soil erosion control, a brief introduction of the IRTCES and its activities undertaken in recent years was delivered by staff of the IRTCES. The willingness for collaboration in the future was expressed by both sides.

Rwanda is a small landlocked country in the Great Lakes region of central Africa with total territory of 26,338 sq km, and population of 8,128,553. It is bordered by Uganda, Burundi, the Democratic Republic of the Congo and Tanzania. Its fertile and hilly terrain gives it the title "Land of a Thousand Hills" (French: Pays des Mille Collines).

Rwanda's countryside is covered by grasslands and small farms extending over rolling hills, with areas of rugged mountains that extend southeast from a chain of volcanoes in the northwest. Rwanda is a rural country with about 90% of the population engaged in (mainly subsistence) agriculture. It is landlocked with few natural resources and minimal industry. Primary exports are coffee and tea.

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Mr. M.Benjamin Rugangazi(Left)and Mr. Denys Uwimana(Right)

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Mrs Tong Yuling(Left) and Dr. Wang Yangui(Right)

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Dr. Liu Cheng

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