The International Training Workshop on Watershed Eco-environment and Water Resources Management was successfully organized by IRTCES in Beijing, from Sept.11 to 19, 2005. 31 participants from The D.P.R. Korea, The Republic of Korea, Mongolia, Iron, Pakistan, The Republic of Tajikistan, The Republic of Kazakhstan, Kyrghyz Republic and P.R. of China attended the workshop. This workshp is funded by UNESCO and Ministry of Water Resources, P.R. of China and organized by the IRTCES.
Director and Representative, Office of the Representative to DPR Korea, Japan, Mongolia, PR. of China and Republic of Korea, Mr. Y. Aoshima and other officers from the office, Division Chief, Department of Scientific and Technology, Ministry of Water Resources, Mr. Liu Zhiguang, Division Chief, Secretariat of National Commission for UNESCO, Mr. Liu Jiang, Secretary General of IRTCES, Dr. Hu Chunhong, attended the opening ceremony of the training workshop and gave their speeches, respectively. Lectures on the following 4 topics were delivered by distinguished experts:
Topic 1: Sediment Transport
Topic 2: Fluvial Processes
Topic 3: Watershed Ecology Management
Topic 4: Water Resources Managment
Opening Ceremony of the Training Workshop
Group Photo
Mr. Y. Aoshima giving opening speech
Dr. Hu Chunhong giving opening speech
Dr. Liu Cheng briefing about IRTCES
Prof. Tan Ying presiding over the opening ceremony
Prof. Zhou Zhide delivering lectures