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A Letter to all WASER Members for Election of Officers and WASER Council Members (2010-2013)
Release time: 2010-05-25

RE: Voting for Election of Officers and Council Members of the World Association for Sedimentation and Erosion Research (2010-2013)

Dear WASER Members,

The third WASER Council Meeting will be held on September 5, 2010 in South Africa, during the 11th ISRS. It marks a key triennial event for our Association. We must now elect the new Officers and Members of the WASER Council for the period 2010-2013 (Third Term). All members are invited to particpate in this election, as part of the continung process of building a strong Association.

Since the last election of WASER Officers and Council Members (Second Term) in 2007, our Association has seen many important developments, including: international cooperation with other linked international bodies,raising the profile of WASER, raising the quality of the WASER Journal - International Journal of Sediment Research, sponsoring and co-sponsoring of many activities, the recruitment of new members and many other developments.

On behalf of the Secretariat of WASER, we are taking this opportunity to provide you with information concerning the candidates nominated for election as WASER Officers and Council Members for 2010 to 2013. The candidates have been recommended by the Nomination Committee, chaired by Prof. Des Walling (UK), and also comprising Prof. Qiyang Yu (China), Prof. Sam S. Wang (USA), Prof. F. Yazdandoost (Iran), and Prof. Wojciech Froehlich (Poland)).

We would request you to take the time to complete the enclosed ballot of Candidates and return to us by JUNE 30, 2010. Please indicate your approval or otherwise for each of the nominated candidates according to the statutes of WASER posted on the website:

Voting is both a privilege and a responsibility. Your vote is your voice. I encourage you to use it.

With best regards

Yours sincerely


Secretariat of WASER


Annex:(PDF and Word Files)

A letter to all WASER Members for election of WASER Council for 2010-2013

Ballot Papers for the election of Officers and Council Members of WAER for 2010 to 2013

Slate of Candidates for WASER Council Election for 2010-2013(I)

Slate of Candidates for WAER Council Election for 2010-2013 (II)

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