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Dear members of WASER, Dear members of IAHR:
Dear colleagues:
In accordance with the plan of activities of the 2006 WASER programme, we would like via you to extend an invitation to engineers and scientists or university students interested in the Three Gorges Project or the Yellow River, and their Sediment Issues and management to join the subject theme tours. Details of the tours and requirements for the participants are attached.
The promotion of education and training is an important activity for WASER and, as a first initiative and to satisfy the above-mentioned interests, the WASER/IAHR-APD/IRTCES Study Tour to the Three Gorges Project was organized from August 8 through 15, 2005. The tour proved a great success. This was a joint venture between WASER, IAHR-APD and IRTCES. A total of 27 professors and their Ph.D students, scientists and engineers from 7 countries including mainland China and Hong Kong-China, Iran, India, the Republic of Korea, Japan, Italy, and the USA joined the study tour. The success and value of the tour was clearly confirmed by all participants and the need for further events of this nature was emphasized. During the IAHR-APD council meeting held in Seoul, all the council members
reached consensus to jointly organize Training and Study Tour in 2006 to the Three Gorges Project and to the Yellow River.
TOUR A: International Training & Study Tour to the Three Gorges Project (TGP-2006), 8-15 August 2006, Yichang, Hubei Province, China
TOUR B: International Training & Study Tour to the Yellow River, (YR-2006)8-15 July 2006, Beijing,, China
Please download the PDF files: Second International Training & Study Tour (WASER/IAHR-APD/UNESCO/IRTCES)