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Introduction to International Sedimentation Initiative (ISI)
Release time: 2006-02-17

Beijing, China (from UNESCO OFFICE VENICE):

Erosion and sedimentation processes affect the management of catchments and river systems and reservoirs. They are increasingly important factors in all parts of the world because of their often conflicting socio-economic and environmental impacts. It has been said that within the next few decades more than 50% of the world's total reservoir storage capacity may be lost due to sedimentation. But even now a number of rivers and estuaries are subject to excessive aggradation and degradation that can often cause severe safety problems. To overcome the existing and potential erosion and sedimentation problems sediment management practices must be improved. But if this is to be accomplished a better understanding of sediment production and transportation mechanisms and of relevant non-technical implications are necessary.

International Sedimentation Initiative (ISI)

The 15th session of the Intergovernmental Council of IHP decided to set up an Advisory Group within this International Sedimentation Initiative (ISI). The terms of reference established for this Advisory Group are: to provide assistance to IHP-VI working groups related to sedimentation problems, to carry out workshops, to coordinate the development of a program action, to promote the establishment and implementation of pilot projects, tosupport the creation of a clearing house for reservoir sedimentation management, including an observatory where technical and non-technical documentation can be collected in real-time, and to collaborate with other organizations, agencies and specialized research institutes.

The resolution, as approved by Intergovernmental Council of the IHP , foresees that the IHP Secretariat incorporates the information developed by the Advisory Group of this International Sedimentation Initiative in the activities of the IHP-VI, through possible extra-budgetary funds and/or contributions from member states.

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